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Star Wars Outlaws’ first expansion brings Lando into the game

Star Wars Outlaws’ first expansion brings Lando into the game


Ubisoft’s open-world adventure is also getting a big update that makes stealth less frustrating.

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A few months after it first launched, Star Wars Outlaws is getting some major updates. First up is the game’s first batch of downloadable content, which adds a new storyline involving Lando Calrissian and what appears to be a very dangerous game of Sabacc. The new expansion is called Wild Card and will be followed by a second DLC update next spring called A Pirate’s Fortune.

Perhaps more significant, today, Outlaws is also getting a major update to address some of the game’s technical and design issues. Ubisoft describes it as the game’s “biggest patch yet.” Most notable, it seems, is that the stealth sections — a major point of frustration for many players — have been toned down.

Ubisoft says that the update includes “updates to stealth and combat that allow players greater choice, including using stealth or reaching for their blaster, even in syndicate territories in cities.” Similarly, there are “enemy AI and detection improvements, with players being notified when they’re being detected and can choose to escalate or change tactics to remain in stealth.”

Here’s how creative director Drew Rechner explains the changes:

Our first step in expanding player choice is removing forced stealth from almost all quest objectives. This doesn’t mean that sneaking is no longer a viable or even preferable option in some cases. Rather, if you’re caught while sneaking, the objective won’t fail and reset you to the last checkpoint. Instead, you’ll seamlessly transition into combat. 

You can check out the full patch notes right here, and get an overview in the video below.

Also notable: while Outlaws has been on PC since launch, it was only available through the Epic Games Store and Ubisoft Connect. Today, it’s out on Steam as well.