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Tara Siegel

Tara Siegel

Senior Software Engineer

Tara Siegel is a Senior Software Engineer at Vox Media, working closely with The Verge and Polygon. She has been at the company for 9 years, spanning almost every team and brand. Tara holds a Computer Graphics degree from the University of Pennsylvania and previously worked at YouTube. Outside of tech, Tara is a cyclist, skier, and an avid baker. She currently lives in Salt Lake City.

It’s typical for ad blockers to remove CSS classes containing ‘ad’.

But Brave takes it a step further and strips a common Tailwind class we used for positioning the header: “bottom-0”. Why? We can only guess the Brave team decided to remove anything with the word ‘bot’ in it… a noble thought, but a touch overkill in practice, given the popularity of Tailwind and unpredictability of CSS class names.

Thank you, Brave, for what may have been The Verge’s most comical bug to date. (And please stop stripping bottom-0.)

Side by side images of what the article page looked like before and after the fix. On the left side of each example, the saturated color takes up the entire page, making the black text on dark background hard to see. The right shows it fixed where just the top header has this color background.
When Brave stripped bottom-0 on The Verge, certain article templates became inaccessible, extending a saturated color background behind article text
Tara Siegel