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The Verge and dbrand have partnered on new skins for the Pixel 8, iPhone 15, and more

Blocks and Monogram are new custom designs from The Verge and are available in either skin or case form from dbrand for all of your favorite devices.

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The Verge’s Blocks skin with a dbrand Grip case on an iPhone sitting on a backpack outside
An iPhone with The Verge’s Blocks skin and a dbrand Grip case.
Image: dbrand

It’s happened: we are excited to share that The Verge has partnered with the folks at dbrand to create a gorgeous line of skins for your favorite devices. You might have seen our teaser from the Code Conference last week, but we have lots more to tell you about. This is just the beginning of our partnership with the fan-favorite accessory company. Our first drop features two extraordinarily Verge-y designs: Monogram and Blocks.

Monogram features a stunning dark purple liquid effect that appears like viscous cells complemented by an extra-large clipped V. It has a subtle depth effect that makes it feel as though you’re looking into a deep void inside of your devices. Plus, we’ve created a cellular wallpaper pack so that you can match the front with the back of your devices. Monogram is the ultimate skin for longtime fans of The Verge.

The Verge and dbrand’s Monogram skin applied to a variety of phones

Available in either skin or case designs, the Monogram can be paired with a custom wallpaper for a complete look, front to back. Pricing varies by device.

Blocks is a repeating pattern that uses The Verge’s primary color scheme and features an endless sea of 3D shapes. Our signature colors — blurple, franklin, and pernod — join black and gray to create a unique look unlike anything else. It looks spectacular on all kinds of devices and delivers the iconic Verge feel without being branded. Blocks is perfect for feeling like you’re part of The Verge family while maintaining a minimalistic look.

The Blocks skin applied to a variety of devices

Blocks features a repeating pattern using the signature Verge colors. It looks great on devices large and small. Pricing varies by device.

Both Monogram and Blocks are available as standalone skins and with dbrand’s signature Grip cases. Skins are great for scratch protection while maintaining your phone’s original size and shape. They’re easy to apply and don’t add much bulk or weight to your device. If you want added durability, you can choose to purchase a skin with one of dbrand’s Grip cases. The dbrand Grip cases feature military-grade impact protection, tactile buttons, and are super grippy.

PS5 with the Monogram skin applied


PS5 with the Monogram skin applied.
Image: dbrand

Skins are available for devices and accessories from Apple, Samsung, Google, Microsoft, Nintendo, Sony, Razer, Dell, Lenovo, Framework, and Valve. Cases with skins are available for most recent iPhones, Pixels, and Samsung phones as well as a few other devices. You can order our skins starting today.

If skins aren’t your thing, check out The Verge merch store for some rad apparel and other types of accessories.