Hey there — this page is for Verge subscribers only. It’s something we care about a lot: RSS feeds.
Longtime readers know that we’re RSS obsessives over here. We’ve mourned the death of Google Reader time and again (maybe too many times). Signed up for Feedly, switched to Digg Reader (RIP), switched back to Feedly, toyed with Substack’s RSS integration, tried importing our newsletters into Readwise Reeder, switched back to Feedly again. If you’ve tried it, you can bet we have too, all in search of the perfect web reading experience.
Finding the perfect app is a personal journey and one you’ll have to undertake yourself (though we can offer some suggestions). Every app has its perks and its drawbacks and its own unique twist on the web reading experience. But if you’re a news diehard and you love a clean, distraction-free reading space, there’s really no better option than pulling all your favorite RSS feeds into one place. It’s how we love to read, too (and it sure beats scrolling through X).
Subscribers have access to full-text feeds across our site
As a Verge subscriber, you have access to full-text RSS feeds across our site, which includes both complete stories and our short-form Quick Posts. There’s a full site feed that includes everything, but if you want to dial in your preferences a bit more, you can also choose feeds that include specific parts of our coverage. There’s a feed with only tech news, a feed with only our reviews, a feed with only science coverage, and a feed with only entertainment coverage. We’re starting off with these core divisions representing some of the biggest spaces we cover. But if there’s something else you really want to see in the future, let us know.
Note that if you’re currently using a preview-only version of our RSS feeds, you’ll need to replace that feed with these new ones. Our preview-only feeds are available to everyone, but they only contain headlines and truncated articles and require you to click through to our website to read the entire piece. If you’re already using one of these and have since signed up as a Verge subscriber, make sure you replace it with the below feeds to get the subscriber-only full-text access perk.
RSS isn’t for everyone or every story — our designed features are always going to look best on the web. But for those who want it, it’s a must-have. You can find our feeds below.
RSS feeds for Verge subscribers only
- Verge RSS: all articles feed
- Verge RSS: Quick Posts feed
- Verge RSS: tech only feed (includes tech reviews)
- Verge RSS: reviews only feed
- Verge RSS: science only feed
- Verge RSS: entertainment only feed
- Verge RSS: transportation only feed
- Verge RSS: Command Line feed
- Verge RSS: Notepad feed